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Mental Health Care

Mental health concerns affect 1 in 5 Canadians, on average, each year. It does not discriminate based on age, gender, culture or socioeconomic status. We all are impacted by mental health concerns, even indirectly, when it impacts friends, family and/or colleagues.

Seeking Care and Counselling

In the past few years, mental health concerns have increased for Canadians. If you feel that your mental health has changed recently, you are not alone. Below are resources and services we recommend that can provide you with more support, including individual and group counselling. These are all self-referrals.

If you are interested in counselling or mental health resources, the services below will provide you options for virtual, group or one-on-one counselling. Please be aware not all counselling services listed below are covered by OHIP; resources below covered by OHIP have been labelled with OHIP beside their name. Although some resources below do require out of pocket payment, most insurance plans do provide coverage. Please click on the titles below for more information.

Child and Youth Mental Health Services (in our area)

Child and Youth Mental Health Services in the Hamilton area are accessed through Access and System Navigation (ASN) at Lynwood Charlton Centre as of January 1st, 2024. Please click on the button below to initiate a self-referral or connect directly to a counsellor during their working hours.

Self Referral Services Requiring Out of Pocket Payment or Covered by OHIP

If you have a mental health concern and need to connect with your physician, please contact the office. If you are concerned for you or a loved one's safety or need urgent mental health help please contact 988 (can call or text), COAST, Barrett Centre for Crisis Support, 911 or visit the nearest Emergency Department.